Had things escalated I would have stepped in. Feral cats are easily frightened by people so it isn't hard to break up fights.
There is a video going around the 'net that shows two toms in such verbal combat; the video is captioned as if they were a couple having an argument. That's the "funny" part. Unfortunately, there is also a young tom who is in mortal danger in that video. The younger, smaller black and white tom has been backed up against a tire so that it can no longer retreat, while a much larger tom threatens it. We can only hope it is okay.
I know exactly the viral video you mean, and while it says the lady cat is yelling at the man cat, it's obvious from the tom jowls that the lady is no lady and the small one is most likely as you said, a juvenile male. It's a scary video and just perpetuates inaccurate information and cat care...