Apr 16, 2010

The Unknown Tabby Cats - Feral Cat Photos of the Day

There are many many tabbies in the feral cat colony, here are just a few we don't see as often as some others. This post is dedicated to the Unknown Tabby Cat, and all his tabby friends ...
The Unknown Tabby Cat
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Little tabby cat... though we may not have given you a name, we who watch over you still care about you...
little tabby cat, if only you had a home - photo

Your presence brightens our day, and we worry about you when you are nowhere to be found.

a lonely feral tabby cat, looks at me - photo
We're glad when you show up for feedings, and we wish you could know the joys of a kind hand and a warm place to sleep. But that is not your lot in life.

And finally, just a reminder of the tabbies we have named but have seldom photographed:

The feral tabby cat called Suspicious Cat
 Suspicious Cat

Dedicated to our furry tabby friends, loved from afar....

The Lonely Road cat, a tabby feral cat we seldom see
The Lonely Road Cat

You walk a lonely road. And I know, this is as close as we're ever going to get.


  1. Even though I do not comment often, I wanted to let you know that I read all of your posts in my Reader, and this one especially touched my heart.

  2. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

  3. Chriss,
    Your portrayal of the plight of the feral is beautifully sad! A work of art to be sure, but a heart-wrenching commentary as well. Thank you for caring~


  4. they're all so beautiful. at least unknown cat is known to you! and you've got his back. suspicious cat really does look suspicious!! lonely road cat is beautiful..


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.