Sep 13, 2011

Feral Cat Whitey Rests

feral tomcat Whitey Cat asleep
Now a middle-aged feral cat, Whitey takes a well-deserved rest from his life of constant vigilance. He has more courage than I - he keeps going when I feel like giving up.

We still have the torties available for adoption. I hope someone takes them before it's too late. We lost several to diseases and predation. I'll deal with that at some point but right now I'm not up to talking about it. Suffice to say, this is why I feel like I can't do this anymore.


  1. Don't give up! You are making a difference. Read for inspiration, and also maybe
    the House of the Discarded blog!

  2. Hang in there!! So many cats, like Whitey, depend on you!!

    You're doing such good works!!

  3. Thank you. Maybe I have too many hopes and dreams about finding homes for the ones that have been captured and tamed.

  4. No matter what the outcome for them, you have made their loves better than what they would have been otherwise.

  5. I volunteer in So. California and I have also been barely hanging on. It's been a rough month particularly, but try to keep going ... because our hopes and dreams for them are not unrealistic. We just have to remember that while it may feel impossible now, tomorrow is another day. Another day where they need us more than ever.

  6. Chriss, you are amazing. Anything I can do to help? Although I'm no good myself anymore at finding homes. No good and often get very discouraged. But, at least we're not dead yet.

  7. Well thank you but if anyone is doing something amazing, it would be you. :) My gripe is about the lack of good homes - or even mediocre homes - for the cats that have been captured and tamed. It makes me feel like... what's the point, you know?


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.