Feb 20, 2013

Tabby Cat Close-up

Once again the weather is back to being less than cooperative for cat photos. And the one or two times that would have been good, I was busy doing other things. It's always something. Here we have a close-up a cute tabby cat face...
Tabby Close-up
This is the kitty I've name "Good Mother" tabby, and we've seen her a few times before, often hanging out with her son. This might be her first closeup, I can't remember now.  Of the several pictures I managed to take recently, few of them turned out well. I think my camera is acting up.

1 comment:

  1. a very happy morning to you good mother; your coat is exquisite !!! please tell chriss this photo turned out FABulous; even if her camera lens has winter time lens blues:)

    hugs from dai$y and the boys; we hope everyone has an awesome day =^..*=


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