Nov 7, 2013

Old Tortie Girl

old tortie - tortoiseshell feral cat
In the previous post, you saw a group of feral cats hanging out and keeping an eye on me. She led that pack.

It feels like she's been around forever.  At maybe 8 or 9, she's an old lady for a feral cat. She's not tame, but she is no longer interested in expending the energy to run away when I approach. Instead, she'll just move quietly, slowly out of the way. If she were a pet, she wouldn't considered terribly old, but life is different for ferals.

Having said all that, I want to point out that she has a great coat, and is a little chubby, so I guess she's doing okay overall.  Old tortie girl never misses any meals, that's for sure! She just leads a quiet, unassuming life.

The Feral Life 2014 | Fine Art Prints | T-Shirts, Prints, Cards


  1. nice ta see ewe two day OTG....and yes yur coat IZ rockin awesum...we loves yur facial markins !!!! N mor often than knot...livin a quiet life iz best...nothing wrong with chillaxin N takin it all in....helps us gain R wizdom that way sew when catz take over de werld, we wont miss a beat !!!! happe day two all !!~~

  2. What a gorgeous girl! Thank you for keeping these awesome cats safe.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.