Jul 2, 2014

A Feral Tabby Face

It doesn't matter if a cat has never had close contact with people; we're not the ones who make them cute. Cats are adorable by nature. Sure, it's better to have a lap to sit in and upon which to purr - but life doesn't always deal us the best hands. We still have a mind, a personality, a reason for being. That's true for feral cats. It is true for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. a goof afternoon two ewe tabby...hope ewe N de crew iz doin grate...meowloz ta mom chriss; her captured another awesum photo !!! N yes...even feralz haza reeson for bein N shuld bee treeted with compassion... loves.... N ree spect ...stay safe thiz holly day...happee week oh end N heerz ta bonito flakes, bass N bloo gill ♥


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