Coppertop, the orange-ginger ultra-friendly feral, was taking a nice dirt bath. But then she saw me and sat up. The only evidence remaining: the twigs and miscellaneous grubby stuff on her back.
coppertop...ya look gorgeouz....stix & all....we wish we could takez a dirt bathe... but we iz knot a loud out oh doorz....hope everee onez gettin reddy for fall, we say sew long nastee summer & due knot hurree bak....heerz best fishez two all ♥♥♥♥♥
coppertop...ya look gorgeouz....stix & all....we wish we could takez a dirt bathe... but we iz knot a loud out oh doorz....hope everee onez gettin reddy for fall, we say sew long nastee summer & due knot hurree bak....heerz best fishez two all ♥♥♥♥♥