Old calico/torbie feral cat - the great great grandma of the feral cat community, sitting with a cat friend... perhaps a grown kitten of hers. She's pretty old and not very active, but for a feral cat she's doing really well I think.
PS. Since you're here, I hope you will check out my work on Zazzle. Maybe share it somewhere! Everything helps.
we lovez thiz foto !!!! wavez two everee one N heerz hopin all iz well out west N everee onez doin soooper grate...we will sneek over ta chriss' zazzle shop heer N haza look see at her new goodz for sale :) ♥♥♥
we lovez thiz foto !!!! wavez two everee one N heerz hopin all iz well out west N everee onez doin soooper grate...we will sneek over ta chriss' zazzle shop heer N haza look see at her new goodz for sale :) ♥♥♥