Jan 4, 2018

January 2018 Cat of the Month Desktop #Wallpaper

Happy New Year ...better late than never! Right?  I'm not really sure about that, but we're still here. A whole year of feeding and caring for feral cats. A whole year of at least occasional rescues, and finding homes! Yes, it's a long, long labor of love... since 2002. And I probably couldn't do it without you. This feral tabby cat is grateful, too!

The above wallpaper fits HD (like 1920x1080) desktops, while the one below fits 16x10 screens like you find on MacBooks and MS Surface computers, etc.

There are also links below to these and other versions, including a mobile device one (sans calendar) and a 4 by 3 ratio image for those of us who still have older laptops and monitors. Spread the word! :)

Wide/HD 16:9 Wide 16:10 TV 4:3 Mobile Devices

For Desktop and laptop computers:
Use the links above to pick the size ratio that matches your monitor. I know that many people don't know what display size they have on their monitor - it's okay. The first two are wide monitors. If you have a wide monitor and one image doesn't look quite right, try the other one. The third version is for the older analog tv type displays, including flat panel displays that mimic them with that squarish ratio. We still have a few of them.

Some examples of aspect ratios:
Wide/HD/16:9 - 1024×576, 1152×648, 1280×720, 1366x768, 1600×900, 1920×1080, 2560×1440 - HDTV
Wide 16:10 - 1280x800, 1440×900, 1680x1050, 1920×1200 - Macbooks,  iMacs + MS Surface etc
TV 4:3 - 640x480, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1440x1152 etc. - older monitors and laptops, mostly
The size shown in italics above is the actual image size that I've linked to, but as long as you pick the right ratio it will look GREAT on your monitor using "Stretch" or "Fit to screen" as your option when you set an image as your wallpaper.

Click on the link to the image of your choice to see the full size version, then right-click on it (one-button Macs, use CONTROL-Click).and select "Set as Desktop Background".(Firefox) / "Set As Background" (Explorer) - This also saves the image to your computer. Using Firefox, it will usually look best if you use the options "Stretch" or "Fit" and a black background, like this:
Free Cat Desktop Wallpaper - right click and select save as or choose from the links below

The easy right-click desktop wallpaper method works with Safari, Explorer and Firefox. Many versions of the Chrome browser make it a little harder, plus there is weirdness going on with Windows 10: Right-click and select "Save image as..." Remember where you saved the file. Then go to your image, right-click, , and select "set as background."

Tablets and Phones
Pick the "Mobile" version... tap on the link above. When the image loads, tap and hold on the image until the menu pops up. Select "Save," "Save to camera roll" or "Save to library."  Once you have the image, go to your Settings app, select "Wallpaper" and choose new wallpaper from your photo library. That's it! Set your Cat Of The Month as  your lock lock screen too! :) There's no calendar on the mobile version, by the way. It just doesn't look right in that vertical aspect ratio. Other than that, it's the same.

Any problems or questions? Leave a comment and we'll see if we can work it out. Or visit me on Twitter or Facebook.



  1. guyz....happee new yeer two ewe N Chriss; heerz ta happee nezz healtheez N grazz oh plentee ♥♥♥ de 2018 calendar total lee rockz; we getted one for uz N one aza gift !!! ☺☺♥♥ N 984 pawz up; 16 yeerz oh rezzcue iz AWESUM !!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  2. I wish when I click on the link, I would get a web site. I have to right click the picture on my screen to get the wallpaper, save it and then put it on my computer. But the picture is fuzzier doing this. Why won't the link work properly?

  3. Hmmm, well, the links that are a paragraph below the images just take you to the image on my web site. You can actually just right-click those links if you want and use "Save link as..." or you can click on the link to see the image first. But you still have to save it to your computer. I don't know any way around that. It used to be you could do that directly from the browser if you were using Windows but Microsoft changed that.

    As for fuzzy... well, I THINK that might be because this month's images is not as sharp as ones in the past. Now if you're talking about them being that way every month, then that is something else.

  4. This is what I get when I try the link anyway I can right click left click:
    This site can’t be reached
    The webpage at http://www.chrisspagani.com/wallpaper/2018/January-16x10.jpg might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
    Search Google for chriss pagani wallpaper 2018 January 16x10
    The search on google doesn't help.
    Ever since I cannot utilize the link and have to right click on the picture on your web site, they have been fuzzy and this has been the circumstance for at least 3 months, maybe 4. I have been saving it and then putting it on my desktop from there ever since I started using Chrome. But recently cannot get the URL for the link.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.