Apr 30, 2024

May 2024 Cat of the Month Calendar Wallpaper Sunbreak Nap

May Cat of the Month calendar wallpaper

Today's forecast is for showers and afternoon thunderstorms, and we've already had some heavy downpours. You have to take the sun breaks when you get them, though, and the feral cats know how to let go of the past and enjoy the present moment. The youngest Maine Coon feral looks pleased at being able to dry off and relax. This is our Cat of the Month for May...

Click the link for all aspect ratios, desktop and mobile. The calendar wallpaper above is in the 16x10 ratio, like you find on Macbooks, iMacs and MS Surface tablets, plus many others, but I have the wider HD 16x9 format (used by many "FHD" laptops and monitors) in the link below, along with  4x3 "TV" ratio and TWO mobile versions: One for phones and another for vertical tablets! If you use your tablet in the horizontal or landscape mode, I'd recommend using the 16x10 (most ipads) or the 16x9 size -  One of them will be a perfect fit your computer or mobile device. Here's the link:

How to use: this postThank you so for sharing and supporting these beautiful feral cats.  Because of you, good things happen.

Want to help more? Check out my fine art prints...

1 comment:

  1. wavez two ewe buddy and hope ewe and everee one else haza
    pawsum awesum May ‼️πŸŸπŸ˜ΊπŸ’™


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