Sep 27, 2009

Feral Cat Photo of The Day - Cow Cat and Friend

Feral Cow Cat and Friend nature photography

Someday I will get a good photo of the little feral I call "Cow Cat." The name comes from her black and white coat, which reminds me of the Holstein dairy cows in the area.

This kitty is more frightened of people than average - she runs away if I get within 200 feet. So the photographs of her (so far) have been at the far limits of my long lens. She's beautiful, though, and I wish I could turn her into a pet.

Her friend is a cute little calico cat I may have caught in a photo before. She may even be one of the ones I've managed to trap and spay. Difficult to tell from here (they have ear tattoos).


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.