Jan 7, 2010

The Thinker - Feral Cat Photo of the Day

The Thinker is a famous sculpture, and now it's a feral cat on a bicycle seat...
Cat photo, The Thinker feral cat picture
The Thinker
Since the weather hasn't been helpful for picture-taking, I haven't accomplished much lately. The photo above and the ones that follow are of the feral tom cat I call Handsome Boy, seated atop the bicycle that he calls his own. He's put a hold on my attempts to salvage it; it's his territory now.

He happened to be seated there when I snapped a series of photos for film speed testing purposes. It was just an exercise, really, but he is cute enough to share.

The Thinker

There are more variations....
For the picture above, I couldn't resist a little post-production work.
Dramatic Thinker cat, cleaning itself seated on a bicycle
The Thinker, Fictionalized Version
As well as an aged version just to complete the thought:
Cat cleaning itself on bicycle seat aged photo

And last as well as least, the final unretouched photo that isn't horrible is below. The rest were blurry because of low ISO and long telephoto lens equaling shutter speed too low for handheld photographs. As I said, it was just an exercise.
Cat photo Handsome Boy cleaning himself on a bicycle seat

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