Mar 23, 2010

Bus-Riding Cat Killed in Accident (Cat News)

Sad new from Britain: The kitty famous for riding a local bus on a daily basis has been killed in a hit and run accident. This cat was named Casper, and he loved to travel. He caught the same London bus every day, sitting in the back and taking the full 11 mile route before getting off at his home stop:
Casper the cat rides the bus, Daily Mail UK

Cat who boarded same bus every day for four years killed in 'hit and run'.

I once had a cat who loved to ride in the car and it was a joy to have her as a traveling companion. Such cats seem to be rare, but I keep looking for another one.


  1. I saw the story about this cat and his accident in a newspaper recently. It is neat how he would ride the bus every day, but sad how his life ended so tragically.

  2. You are doing such an amazing job, Chriss. I read your blog daily and have fallen in love with all the beautiful kitties. I am so glad there are people like you in this world.

  3. Fran: Yes, I agree.

    Roberta: Thank you!


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