Mar 1, 2010

Tuxedo Cat with Hitler Mustache - Feral Cat Photo of the Day

Wow, it's March already - that's Springtime for Cats.
Tuxedo Cat with Milk Mustache x-ray Hitler
Speaking of which.... this tuxedo cat with a white mustache also has the unfortunate name X-ray Hitler. I keep trying to think of a different name for him but that's the only one that has stuck so far.

Basically he's pretty peaceful cat for a feral.

photo cat X-ray Hitler sunning himself
This one has already had his vet visit but several more will be going soon - some courtesy of United Paws. My biggest problem right now is that I keep trapping the wrong cats. But I'll keep working on it.


  1. I love that tiny white moustache. It does remind me of Hitler in reverse colors. I like the name.

  2. They look like front teeth to me. Maybe you could name him Buck.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.