Apr 12, 2010

Bobtail Hammie The Cat - Feral Cat Photo of the Day

Bobtail feral cat Hamster T Hammie Cat, poses
Hammie is a popular subject for photography at the feral colony. He was abandoned by his cat mom when he was just 3 or 4 weeks old but he was fortunate enough to be rescued. We had hoped that Hammie would have a home back then but it didn't happen.

This bobtail tom is friendly but shy, and he's been fortunate enough to stay healthy. He could still make a good pet for someone with a bit of patience. But if he never finds a home at least he seems reasonably well adjusted to the feral life.

For a collection of Hammie pictures and to read more about his story, here is a link to the Hammie tag in the tag cloud. Before that, and before this photo blog began, Hammie the Kitten appeared on my art blog: here and here.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.