Mar 25, 2011

Fran Siamese-esque Rescue Kitty

Taken with my pocket waterproof camera, just a couple of pictures of Fran the former feral. You may recall that Fran was a very sick kitten at one time, which gave us the opportunity to rescue and tame her. You can read her story in several places on this blog.

Even though we ran classified ads and used Petfinder, we were never able to find a home for Fran. So she stayed here and is now coming up on two years old. Technically speaking she's still adoptable but she's been here so long that she'd find it hard to adapt to a new environment. It would take a tremendous amount of patience to help her through such a process. So unfortunate....

Fran is a very sweet girl, really. She's just not really used to people anymore (other than me). She deserved better than this but without people to volunteer for adoption or at least foster care, this place is about the best that she can hope for.

We love Fran. It's just that we wished better things for her.

Fran's original adoption page
Photos with Pocket Camera (Fujifilm XP-10)


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.