Jun 6, 2011

Food and a nap

Pocket camera photo TV Cat grabs some leftovers as Punk Tom takes a rest from  tom cat duties, yet continues to reign over his subjects. Nikon P7000
Pocket camera photo - TV Cat grabs some leftovers as Punk Tom takes a rest from his many tom cat duties, yet continues to reign over his subjects.

The duties of senior tom are many. Punk watches for danger, mediates disputes, protects the young, challenges overly assertive boys. He’s done it all. He’s seen it all. For Punk, these must be the golden years of tomcattery. No more big fights, no longer having to watch ones back at every moment.

We still guard the colony, though, overseeing our children and theirs and beyond… a meal makes a good break in this routine. And sometimes, it is good to just nap.

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