Mar 5, 2012

White, Blue-Eyed Feral Cat

white blue-eyed feral cat
A very pretty mostly white blue eyed feral cat eyes me with a degree of suspicion, but mostly looking for food. I could be wrong but I think this kitty is pictured as a kitten in our banner - above, right. It's that cute fuzzy face, all grown up!

This is an Instagram cameraphone picture, by the way. I haven't really taken the big camera out in a while because the weather is semi-crappy. There was a nice day yesterday but I had an out-of-town appointment that kept me away all day. Oh well.

Thank you to everyone who made the choice to shop at the stores of the Etsy for Animals artists. Supporting the arts is important and how often do you get a chance to have really nice things and help animals too? Well, the artists are moving on - and they keep helping other animals and groups - so don't quit now. See what they have to offer. Etsy for Animals collection

1 comment:

  1. Oh that does look like the kitten in the banner. Will visit etsy to see if we can help out a group.

    Hope all is well with you. Keep up the good work. Im really enjoying my calendar I bought from you. Will have to buy another at the end of the year.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.