Oct 10, 2013

Ready For Some Action

In our previous entry we say Squeaky the tuxedo cat, lying around idly thinking about what kind of trouble she might be able to get into. Well today we have Squeaky's sister, Georgia, and she's more actively out there, looking for something to do. She's always been like that.

When Squeaky and Georgia were babies, their mother had to sometimes remove Georgia from the litter and take her off a ways so the others could get some sleep. Even as a little kitten, she was always stirring up trouble.

the all new 2014 Feral Life Cat calendar is here!
The Feral Life 2014 Calendar is here!
All new including some never-before-seen photos, and now in two versions for your enjoyment! All proceeds go toward helping the kitties. Get yours now....


  1. good afternoon two ewe georgia...knot onlee R ya a gorgeous gal but we likes a gurl whoz reddy ta get inta trubull N blame de naybor kitteh !!! hope ewe N de crew iz enjoyin a sunny thurzday...fall bee heer in trout towne sew knot manee days oh "hot' left !!!! XXXXXXXX

    N we getted R calendar N loves it !!!!!!


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