Mar 17, 2014

Our Mostly White Feral Cat

Mostly white, but with a suitable amount of orange, Whitey is a long-time resident of the feral colony. Yes, I know his name is not clever - sometimes I just run out of ideas. This is a pocket camera photo again, I haven't felt up to dragging out the big equipment.


  1. meowloz ta ewe whitey N how haz ya been !!! tell chriss this pick sure rocks... and ther bee a lot oh green just in time for St Patricks day !! heerz a bee lated wish for everee one:

    An Irish blessin ya can act shoe a lee reed & understand coz itz knot in trout ♥

    May the good saints protect you
    And bless you today
    And may troubles ignore you
    Each step of the way
    Happy St Patrick’s Day !!

    happee twooz day guys !!

  2. Thank you, "Tabbies" - I wish blogspot had a "Like" button for comments. I would use it. :)


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.