Oct 27, 2014

Dusty Brown Tabby

Dusty brown silver feral tabby cat
Dusty is a lovely tabby male - kind of a dilute silver/brown. Very cute. Dusty is kind of shy but when it's meal time he's always going to be there. He has quite the appetite!  Of course, at this time of year, everyone does... I guess we're all trying to fatten up for winter.

I always thought that Dusty looked very much like Curly, the brother of Shemp. We lost Shemp in 2010 and then we lost Curly about a year later. Both losses made me sad.  But sometimes... when I see Dusty, it feels like Curly is back with us. And that makes me happy.


1 comment:

  1. dood !! ewe due look like curly ~~

    awesum ...

    we R sorta kinda tryin ta fatten up for winter two...well, we were... til de food gurl switched R foodz rationz on uz ☺ hope ewe N de crew haza grate day !!! ♥♥♥


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