I can't remember when I took that original picture now. What it 2004? 2005? Anyway, it's nice to see she's made it this far. It is her intelligence that has saved her all these years. She's smart, curious, and careful. To be a feral cat who survives, you need all of that.
We're happy to see her face and we try to toss a little extra food her way. She's earned it.
veree happee ta meet ewe momma Tee...ewe R lookin good & chriss' photo iz az well...we like how chriss captured ewe N brought ewe front & center !!! way kewl ♥ hope ewe N de crew haza grate fun filled day & yea, ya gotta be street wise in thiz day & age...glad ya haz a place ta chillax a bit N get sum foodz ♥♥♥ !!