Feb 2, 2019

February Cat of the Month #Wallpaper - Tabby Tongue

Better late than never! This brown tabby cat doesn't think much of my tardiness either, and is telling me so... right now. A cute, adorable kitty face to help you have a better February!

The wallpaper above is in the 16x10 ratio, like you find on Macbooks and MS Surface tablets (and it's in a new, bigger size), but I have the wider HD 16x9 format in the link below, along with the usual 4x3 "TV" ratio and a SMARTPHONE/TABLET VERSION. One of them will fit your computer or mobile device! Here's the link:

Spread the joy of cats! Share this month and enjoy our beautiful kitties. Just remember the download link will expire in 30 days.
Mobile Edition

ALSO: Don't forget about the 2019 Feral Life Cat Calendar. They make great gifts but they also help the kitties with a few extra dollars for food. And thank you for thinking of them!

For Windows 10: Download the Cat of the Month anywhere (just remember where you put it!). Go to that folder, right-click the image and select "Save as desktop background..."

For Mac: Save the image of your choice, go to Settings/Desktop & Screen saver/pick the your kitty as your wallpaper.

Mobile: Save to Camera Roll, Go to Settings, Wallpaper, and select the cat of the month as your wallpaper and lock screen.

Some examples of aspect ratios:
Wide/HD/16:9 - 1024×576, 1152×648, 1280×720, 1366x768, 1600×900, 1920×1080, 2560×1440 - HDTV
Wide 16:10 - 1280x800, 1440×900, 1680x1050, 1920×1200 - Macbooks,  iMacs + MS Surface etc
TV 4:3 - 640x480, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1440x1152 etc. - older monitors and laptops, mostly
The size shown in italics above is the actual image size that I've linked to, but as long as you pick the right ratio it will look GREAT on your monitor using "Stretch" or "Fit to screen" as your option when you set an image as your wallpaper.

Thank you so much for sharing and supporting these beautiful feral cats. Because of you, good things happen.

It seems like viewership and support is down quite a bit. I'm not sure why. Maybe you can help. I appreciate comments and questions so feel free to leave a comment!



  1. GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we R final lee abe bull ta commint again !!! HOORAY :) we hope everee one iz doin soooper grate N 2019 bringz all de best with lotz oh happeez N healtheez two ewe all... N Chriss two ♥♥♥

    dai$y, tuna & mackerull =^..^=

    1. I didn't know the comments weren't working! I just knew I didn't get very many. And now the Google is shutting down Google+ I'm not sure what's going to happen.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.