Dec 1, 2024

December Cat of the Month desktop Calendar Wallpaper plus mobile 2024


Well,here we are at the end of the year! THe last several days have been cold but unusually - for this area - dry. I'm okay with it but we could all use a drink now and then. It's just a drink of water for our December 2024 Cat of the Month. And it's on us...

Be sure to check the sidebar for the 2025 wall calendar. It helps the kitties, too!

  The calendar wallpaper above is in the 16x10 ratio, like you find on Macbooks, iMacs and MS Surface tablets, plus many others, but I have the wider HD 16x9 format (used by many "FHD" laptops and monitors) in the link below, along with  4x3 "TV" ratio and TWO mobile versions: One for phones and another for vertical tablets! If you use your tablet in the horizontal or landscape mode, I'd recommend using the 16x10 (most ipads) or the 16x9 size -  One of them will be a perfect fit your computer or mobile device. Click the link below for all aspect ratios, desktop and mobile:

How to use: this postThank you so for sharing and supporting these beautiful feral cats.  Because of you, good things happen.

Again, the 2025 Feral Life Cats wall calendar is here! As in the past, in two versions. These beautiful feral cats will warm your heart and the calendar makes a great gift! I hope you'll consider owning one and giving one to someone who loves cats; it may seem like a small thing but it really helps me keep up with their care.

Want to help more? Check out my fine art prints...


  1. veree nice cap sure N de gurl say 984 PAWZ UP !!!! thiz foto rox ♥♥ hard two bee leeve itz decemburr all reddy huh...veree brizk heer...rite now itz 23 ~~~ YEOW ...happee month a head and veree merry christmas two ewe all ♥♥♥
    mackerull and de gurl =^..^=

    1. Thank you so much. I feel sorry for the feral cats when it's cold like this. I try to make sure they have extra food and such, and they seem to be doing okay, but personally I would not want to be outdoors full time in this. I feel the same empathy for homeless humans, too.

  2. Its so hard sometimes to even keep the water not frozen for outsiders.

    1. Can be next to impossible, even. At least for this cold snap it's only freezing overnight. It's warming up enough during the day that things stay thawed until the next night. Rain will be back Wednesday night, and with it we will stay above freezing for awhile. I hope.


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.