Mar 14, 2011

Orange Tuxedo Cat

One of our middle-aged feral cats, relaxing in the afternoon. A vet might just note him as a "DSH" ...domestic short hair, but every cat has a personality and a unique coat pattern. No matter how many ferals there are, they know each other as individuals: If a new cat shows up, all the others will converge to meet the stranger.

Sometimes I think the cats are better at treating each other as individuals than we are....


  1. why no comments yet? I love tuxedo cats! I have one! and orange ones are co cute. he looks serious and wise with age.

  2. I don't know! Thank you, though, I've been feeling lately people are missing out on seeing the kitties. Your comment is very much appreciated. :)

  3. I have a wonderful rescued orange tux. He was a TNVR, but he was just too much a people cat to send back to the street. He and we are so happy to have each other, and he wears his cropped ear with pride :)


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.