The FREE desktop cat wallpaper for January 2012 - it's Dora the Explorer! And yes, I know we had a photo of Dora three months ago for wallpaper (an extreme closeup) but this photo was just too good to pass up. Dora is a beautiful and rare lilac dilute tortie ...and still adoptable too, although one would have to be very patient with her. If you're close enough, patient enough, and loving enough, drop me a note.
This photo wallpaper above is formatted for a wide screen monitor and is fairly large - although it can be stretched or crunched easily for any desktop. There is also a standard 4:3 version is below:
SIMPLE HOW-TO INSTALLATION: Click on the image of your choice to see the full size version, then right-click on it (one-button Macs, use CONTROL-Click). If you get the Blogger Lightbox view you might need to click "show original" in the lower left corner, or just proceed to the final step: In most browsers you can set a photo as your desktop by RIGHT-CLICKING on it and selecting "Set as Desktop Background". - This also saves the image to your computer.
If you have any problems or issues - or tips/suggestions - just let me know in the comments.
Happy New Year, Chriss!
ReplyDeleteThank you, and happy new year to all.