Aug 6, 2012

Two Mostly White Feral Cats

Two Mostly-white feral cats
A couple of the less often photographed white feral cats: The frontmost one looks a bit like Fran, but isn't. They're mostly anonymous faces, except to me. Even if they don't have names, I know when they're there, and when they're gone.

Now that I think about it, they should have names. I just sometimes run out of ideas. I have a good visual memory, so I keep track of the cats that way. It's fine except when it comes to posting about them. Just know that the lack of a name is not the same as anonymous, because I know them.

By the way, the photo above is hosted on Flickr. If you happen to be a Flickr member, you might stop by there to comment or favorite these kitties, in the hope that they will get a little more exposure.

1 comment:

  1. This photo is absolutely gorgeous, Chriss. Fabulous in fact.


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