Feb 7, 2013

With Abundant Curiosity

With Abundant Curiosity
Looking ahead to the future, what comes next ..what's out there: It's Georgia the tortie cat, who always evidences an abundance of curiosity. Wow, this is a post that's just full of words I can't spell. :)

Georgia is the daughter of dilute tortie Dora the Explorer - and from kittenhood she was always the most curious, busy kitten. She was named Curious Georgia for that reason! Dora and Georgia have both been spayed, of course, and now Georgia and her mother are best friends; more like sisters than mother-daughter. Anytime you see Georgia, Dora will probably be within a couple of feet, too.


  1. oh my stars georgia; your coat is FABulous !!!! and speaking for my self.....and I know royalty when I see it.... surely you and your mom are descended from royalty...look at that pose :) !!!

    we all hope every one there has an awesum weekend

    hugs from dai$y, royalty of trout towne and the boys



  2. Beautiful cat. Beautiful photo! Love it!


Comments are welcome! I always answer questions if I can.