It's yet another blast from the past, so to speak. And speaking of which; you may not remember a post from a few years ago where I met a man (Caleb) traveling with his cat on a bicycle. That was a very interesting story! Well, day before yesterday, I finally heard from him. Apparently he found my Caleb and Marilyn post, and wanted to get in touch...which was great because I often wondered what happened to him.
So, Caleb tells me he's written a book about his travels with Marilyn the cat, and that sounded interesting. If you'd like to look into it further he has a web page for his book and a kickstarter campaign to fund it. I haven't seen the book yet but if it has a lot of Marilyn in it, it might be fun. Based on the video card for the book, it sounds like it might have a religious theme to it. Anyway, I hope it works out, and thank you for getting in touch, Caleb.
veree nice two see ewe tabby girl !!! lookin gorgoeuz if we may say....we hope ewe N de crew R doin veree veree well.....heerz two salmon & sun anda grate week a head ♥♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteN best best fishes two ewe caleb & marilyn, we hope yur book bee comez a best seller ! ~~♥